Some things simply look way more interesting when seen through a microscope. When it comes down to micro-fluidic, that’s when PIV kicks in again. Quantify your flow through the nanoworld...
Small scale PIV has been around since the beginning. But with an arising interest in microscopic flows, such as lab-on-a-chip solutions or medical and bio-applications, there is a need to do µPIV using a microscope. The basic working principal stays the same: two consecutive pulses are needed to illuminate your scenery, while at least one camera has to record your particles. For planer velocity components, upright or inverted microscopes are used to capture the in-plane velocity distribution. For a more advanced view on all three velocity components in a single plane, stereo microscopes are used. Depending on factors such as your flow velocity, fluorescence requirements and safety issues different illuminations sources can be offered. For some tasks, it’s mandatory to use a laser, for others, our LPS offers a flexible alternative, being less a subject to safety concerns. Even combined, multiwavelength measurements are possible. Just talk to us…
Typical Applications
- Lab-on-a-chip
- Bio flows
- Microfluidic
- Medical flows